I'm going to have to give just-published Cherry Radford a mention on this blog because she's written a novel endorsed by none other than Sir Bruce Forsyth, CBE, and it's about one of my favourite subjects - dancing.
I can't dance - don't ask me - I can't dance - merci beaucoup, as Fred and Ginger sort of said, I think. But I love watching other people dance, and this novel also features one of my other passions, Maltesers.
So - with a box of Maltesers to hand and my laptop on my lap (where else) I'll be looking forward to reading this novel!
It's on Amazon - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Men-Dancing-ebook/dp/B00608SLBQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1322591245&sr=1-1