A big thank you to Suzie Tullett who nominated my blog for a Versatile Blogger Award. I am very flattered! But now, the world needs to know seven random facts about me. Hmm, is the world ready for this?
Okay, here goes:
1 I am superstitiously attached to a toy octopus my children gave me about twenty years ago and which has been sitting on my desk ever since. If the octopus ever left my desk, Cadbury's would stop making Bournville chocolate, M&S would stop making my favourite knickers, and many other equally bad things would happen.
2 I am the mother of a doctor and a scientist, but I can't even add up, so I am hoping my grandchildren won't inherit my science-idiot genes.
3 My favourite scent is lily of the valley.
4 I celebrated the Queen's coronation day by falling off my tricycle and splitting my head open, ouch. This meant my parents spent the day in the local A&E, not in front of their neighbours' lovely new telly (black and white, about six inches square, state of the art), as they had planned.
5 When my father went to register my birth he couldn't remember what my middle name was supposed to be, so I didn't get one.
6 When I was twelve, I sent Elvis Presley a fan letter, to which he did not reply.
7 I can recite the first twenty lines of Book 1 of Paradise Lost and, if you're not careful, I will.